In the grand tapestry of emotions - Love, is a timeless, incomprehensible force of absolute power.

As such I've taken every ounce of thought, feeling & profoundness and sculpted these artworks of creation, as of to which I urge you; Sit, Ponder and if possible, try and Touch them with your mind. The Colors, Contrasts, Textures; Walk amongst the picture, Feel the physical aspect of it & let your thoughts flow freely.

I hope to study, share & feel the silent language of profound love.

To encompass my photos in emotional paint, using brushstrokes of not arbitrary colors - but a canvas filled with passionate brightness, tranquil shadows, shades and hues, all surrounding and fulfilling - A Canvas of Love.

[Ethereal Passion] - While passion is often portrayed as a wildfire of colors and feelings - At times the serene & Mythical tranquility of passion appears. Where love’s intensity is bathed in the soft flow of the canvas’ texture & colors.

I picture whispers of lovers lost in an ethereal dance.

[Price: 1600dkk]

[Size: 62 x 42 cm] - [No Frame]

[Year: 2023]

Ethereal Passion



